Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Favorite Ep of Apprentice

Image result for trump apprentice
Episode- 4
Task- open up a restaurant in 24 hours. 
Task Details- Each team is given an empty restaurant space in Manhattan and then they are responsible for selecting a chef, the decor and stocking the kitchen. 
Project managers- for Apex, also known as the girls team is Jennifer C. The project manager for Mosaic; or the boys team is, Raj. 
Winner- Mosaic comes in first and their reward for winning is meeting with mayor of NYC, Rudy Giuliani. 
Loser and who is fired- For Apex, they're the losing team and must choose members of their team to go to the board room. Jennifer C, Elizabeth and Stacy R. are all sent to the board room. In the end, Jennifer C is fired due to bad leadership and decision making skills that proved to be costly.

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