Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Favorite Ep of Apprentice

Image result for trump apprentice
Episode- 4
Task- open up a restaurant in 24 hours. 
Task Details- Each team is given an empty restaurant space in Manhattan and then they are responsible for selecting a chef, the decor and stocking the kitchen. 
Project managers- for Apex, also known as the girls team is Jennifer C. The project manager for Mosaic; or the boys team is, Raj. 
Winner- Mosaic comes in first and their reward for winning is meeting with mayor of NYC, Rudy Giuliani. 
Loser and who is fired- For Apex, they're the losing team and must choose members of their team to go to the board room. Jennifer C, Elizabeth and Stacy R. are all sent to the board room. In the end, Jennifer C is fired due to bad leadership and decision making skills that proved to be costly.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Seats for Soliders

Seats for Soldiers

My current event comes from a Boston Celtics program called Seats for Soldiers Night. It gives tickets to active members of military forces. Season ticket members, corporate partners and the Celtics donate tickets. 
Also during these games, military bases from around the globe are teleconferenced into the arena as they watch the game from afar.
Also during the game, the Hero Among Us Award is given to a member of the armed forces.
The evening concludes with a post-game shoot around on the parquet as military servicemen and women got a chance to play ball and meet a Celtics player.

Great marketing event for the Celtics and it also draws attention to veteran services. 

ETCH-A-SKETCH Commercial




Marketing Mix - GBF

Product-GBF, or Golf Ball Flag, is a ball that shoots up a flag when it lands. It helps golfers find their ball on the course.

Price- $55 per dozen

Promotion- Dustin Johnson uses the product. There will be a commercial and will be advertised at golf tournaments.

Place- Sold in golf and sporting good stores and online. You can find it at all golf tournaments.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Ch 29 Study Guide

Study Guide

Research Steps 
  1. Defining the Problem
  2. Obtaining Data
  3. Analyzing the Data
  4. Recommending Solutions to the Problem
  5. Applying the Results

Other Points 

Basic Guidelines to Writing Questions 
  1. Written clearly and as briefly as possible 
  2. Ranking questions or scale 
  3. Don't ask leading questions and don't be bias
  4. Avoid "guessing" questions
  • Must have excellent visual appearance
  • Dark Ink (usually black)- Easy to Read
  • Headings and or numbers on individual sections of a survey
  • More than one page- button at the bottom indicating there's another page
Administering the Questionnaire
  • Deadline
  • Personal
  • explain the purpose


Problem Definition- occurs when a business clearly identifies a problem or research issue and the information that is necessary to solve it

Primary Data- data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem or issue under study

Secondary Data- already been collected for some purpose other than the current study 

Survey Method- a research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys or questionnaires

Sample- part of a target population that is assumed to represent the entire population

Observation Method- research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observers

Point-of-Sale Research- powerful form of research that combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior

Experimental Method- research technique in which a researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables constant 

Data Analysis- the process of compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data collection

Validity- exists when the questions asked measure what was intended to be measured

Reliability- exists when a research technique produces nearly identical results in repeated trials

Open-Ended Questions- ask respondents to construct their own response to a question; for example, "How can we serve you better?"

Forced-Choice Questions- ask respondents to choose answers from possibilities given on a questionnaire

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Bruins forward Matt Beleskey will  deliver $2,000 worth of pies to many shelters and charitable organizations throughout Boston for Thanksgiving on Sunday, November 20. 
The 400 pies will be purchased from Mike's Pastry in Boston's North End. 
Pine Street Inn, Rosie's Place, and  Home for Little Wanderers are some of the charitable organizations and shelters that will be receiving pies. 
Other Bruins players will also make additional deliveries on Wednesday, November 23.
This is a great way for the Bruins to give back to the community. 


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

ch 28 assessment

1) While they are being interviewed, the interview can assure the consumer that the marketing research they are conducting is certified  to be secure. They could mention such things as the government endorses their research and their databases are secure and very hard to get into. This would increase the sense of security so then they'd be more likely to answer the survey truthfully. They could also be anonymous to hide their identity.

2) Yes it is. This way constituents of the states can be more aware of the information they are giving out. Sometimes, many people are confused and it thus causes a whole bunch of worries and woes in the persons mind about the information they provided. Product research can also be constrained and be made more secure by the government.

3) Some marketing research that can be done is finding out the demographics of the town the car wash is going to be. If you know the average income of the town then you can better know what a good amount to charge would be. If your in a poor neighborhood then charging a high amount for a simple car wash would be silly.

4) Because a consumers attitude and lifestyle will determine what products they want and need in their life. Thus marketing researchers need to know these things to better design a product so it sells to their intended audience.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What to do now, after survey conclusions

After conducting my survey, I can conclude that most students at RMHS, about 75%, have attended a drama production. Majority of them would pay between $5-10 to attend the show and about half of them would be interested in a backstage tour after the show. Something I could've asked that would've been helpful to find out is what would make someone attend the show. I could have also found out if the show was at a certain if more people would go.

I received 16 responses.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Fall musical poll

Fall Musical Poll- Please Take!

Marketing the upcoming musical

The fall musical for the drama club is approaching. The actors are hyped and the tech crew is ready, but will there be a large audience?
Some things that could be made to help market the musical include...

colorful posters- posters with vibrant colors to catch the eye of all. On these posters will be all the key information about the show and how to get tickets

a video promo of students singing- this will show the hard work going into the production and if the singing is good enough more people will come

give free tickets to students- maybe this way they'll want to go with their family and then they'll be forced to buy tickets and go together!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Boston Bruins Social Responsibilty

ICE School-

The Boston Bruins I.C.E. School program provides Kindergarten through 8th grade teachers in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Vermont with curriculum materials in the sport of hockey and the Bruins.

Students are motivated in the classroom with this new way to look at learning. Those who complete the lesson plans will receive a completion certificate signed by a Bruins player and have the chance to win a visit to the classroom by Blades, the Bruins mascot, and the Boston Bruins Ice Girls!

Teachers who participate in Bruins I.C.E. School have the opportunity to receive Bruins prizes including autographed merchandise and a Blades classroom visit. Registered teachers are automatically included in monthly I.C.E. School newsletter, which contains program updates, exclusive ticket offers and contests.


8 Spoke Salute-

The Bruins and the Mass Lottery are proud to salute the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. At select games throughout the 2016-17 season, a member or members of the military will receive the 8-Spoked Salute for their service to our country. It includes four (4) complimentary tickets to a Bruins home game and a live welcome on Garden HDX (video scoreboard)


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Quizlet link to Ch 5 terms

Ch 5 Terms on Quizlet

  1.  Business is all the activities involved in producing and marketing goods and services.
  2. The two primary functions of business are the production and the marketing of goods and services.
  3. Business can be categorized 
    1. by size
    2. by profit orientation
    3. by market served
    4. by kind of product provided
  4. E-commerce is important because it is an easy way to purchase things and it is used everyday. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Video Game History

Physicist Willy Higinbotham invents the first "video game" at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York. His game, a table tennis-like game, was played on an oscilloscope.

Steve Russell, a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), creates Spacewar, the first interactive computer game. It runs on a Digital PDP-1 mainframe computer, and the graphics are made up of ASCII text characters.

Baer and team are successful in creating two interactive TV games—a chase game and a tennis game. They are also able to manipulate a toy gun so that it detects spots of light on the TV screen.

Top 3 Most Popular Online Games
  1. League of Legends
  2. World Of Warcraft
  3. DOTA 2

Console Games
  1. Super Mario Bros.
  2. Tetris
  3. Pack-Man

Handheld Games
  1. Nintendo 3DS
  2. Nintendo 2DS
  3. Nintendo DSI

Spacewar- first interactive computer game

Super Mario Bros for Wii

Big Papi's Big Game

Big Papi’s Big Game

Target Market:
Kids, Boston area baseball players and fans of the Boston Red Sox, David Ortiz and all other MLB teams.

Marketing Mix:
Big Papi’s Big Game is an interactive baseball video game where Big Papi will give you tips and pointers as you play. Created during his last year as a Boston Red Sox player, Prima Sports wanted to honor David and his outstanding career with this game. In Big Papi’s Big Game, when first turned on, the user will create their very own customized player profile. They will then pick their team from a selection of all MLB players. After that a season will begin, and Big Papi will be giving pointers to the user as the season goes on

Big Papi’s Big Game will be competitively priced at $19.99 online and in retail stores, but only $9.99 at Fenway Park
Big Papi’s Big Game will be available at all retail gaming and electronics stores in Boston and online. As well as the Fenway Park Store on Yawkey Way.

David Ortiz will be doing a big release of the game outside of Fenway Park. At this event, 100 free copies will be given out to lucky fans. David will also be available after to take pictures with fans at the event.
Inside the case of every Big Papi’s Big Game will be a 10% off coupon to the Fenway Park Store.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Video Game Project

I choose to research Baseball Teams because I want to market a baseball video game. I also want to use David Ortiz as my star Player.

Boston Red Sox
New York Yankees 
Baltimore Orioles 

Video Game Research

Game NamePriceLocations SoldTarget MarketFeatures
RBI Baseball 16$20, $17 at WalmartWalmart, Online, Gamestop, Sears, Toys R UsE, EveryoneOnline play, unrealistic features/cheats- catch the ball off the wall, swing earlier on different pitches
MLB 16 The Show$39.99Online, Gamestop, Best Buy, Toys R Us, SearsE, EveryoneImproved picture quality, Home Run Derby, Own your own team, customize teams, online play
Out of the Park Baseball 17$39.99Strictly online E, EveryoneLicensed by MLB, player ratings, online playing, historical exhibition option, play in all MLB ballparks 
Out of the Park Baseball 17

MLB The Show 16

RBI Baseball 

Friday, September 23, 2016


Who are millennials? Millennials are people porn roughly between 1980 and 2000. Millennials are multitaskers, connected, and tech savvy. They also want instant gratification and recognition. And most find a great balance between work and family.

TV Shows Millennials Like- The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones
Movies they like- Good Will Hunting and Drop Dead Gorgeous
Two magazines they commonly read-Sports Illustrated
Millennials love going to concerts and sporting events- anything social
Vacation spots for them- Portland, ME and Colorado Springs

Image result for millennials        Image result for millennials

Reference Source

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Intro About Me

Hello my name is Chris and I am a senior. Before RMHS, I attended Parker and Joshua Eaton. Here at RMHS, I play varsity soccer and enjoy it tremendously. My favorite movie is American Sniper. On TV I enjoy watching the show Billions. Season 2 premiers in February of next year and I cannot wait. I am very excited to take Marketing this semester and look forward to a fun year.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

My 5 Favorite Toys in the Toy Hall of Fame

My top 5 favorite toys in the Toy Hall of Fame are crayons, a Frisbee, Etch a Sketch, Slinky, and Chess. Crayons, still in abundance in schools and at home next to the coloring books, are utensils that help kids make their drawings more colorful. A Frisbee is a disc that you toss around with you friends at places like the beach or a field. An Etch a Sketch is a toy where you twist the two knobs to create a sketch of something. You can erase your drawing by shaking it. A slinky is a toy that is a big loose coil that is very fun to play with or toss down the stairs. An chess is a board game in which two people play against each other and each piece can only move in their own unique way.

 All five of these toys have provide me with endless fun and I have childhood memories involving all of them. Remarkably, all of them are still used today by people. My dad, my friends and many others still play chess. Crayons are still used in school. And Frisbee's are still tossed on the beach. I do not think that any of these products will go away in the near future. All of them are marketable and will continued to be bought.

Source - Toy Hall of Fame